Project Description

Be prepared to take a deep breath as Prof Lesley Hughes walks through the known data and possible futures in a climate-changing world. The evidence for climate change is outlined, the trends discussed and impacts of extreme events elaborated. Examples of future scenarios are provided within the context of bushfire impacts, particularly in NSW. A list of useful resources is provided to further explore climate change impacts.

Topic Mins: seconds
Opening Titles 00:00
Introduction /outline of talk 0:12
Observed global temperature trends 1:12
Possible Climate future 2:15
Observed Temp in NSW 3:30
Australian heatwave conditions 4:10
Extreme daily heat trends 4:35
Observed rainfall trends 1900-2013 4:58
Trends in Forest Fire Danger Index 5:50
Projected temperature- High emissions 6:45
Extreme potential heat exposure 7:15
Future habitats 2030, 2070 8:28
Example of 4o warmed future for Cairns 9:44
Bushfires in NSW aerial extent 10:43
Climate change and fire activity 11:14
Lengthening of the NSW fire season 12:33
NSW bushfire projections 13:33
Bushfire impacts in NSW:  Health & economy 14:03
Bushfire impacts in NSW: Ecology 14:51
Implications for managers 15:22
Climate Change web resources 16:35
End credits 18:50
End 19:09

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