Project Description

Martin Driver’s 5000ha grazing property has been in the family for many years. Martin outlines the transformations that have occurred as a result of fencing, the resilience of the landscape and the lessons he has learned in managing the land for grazing, protection of endangered plant communities and environmental outcomes. The talk is presented within the context of the National Restoration Standards.

Topic Mins: seconds
Titles 00:00
Introduction 00:08
Location, property size 00:27
Learning process, legacy of no reference community 01:00
Reference sites, reference areas, knowledge base 02:23
Plans, management zones, long term vision 03:28
Grazing as a management tool 04:30
Photopoints of 1st fencing /stock exclusion site 05:35
Site resilience- root suckering as aregeneration techniques 07:04
Regeneration & Restoration since fencing 08:10
Direct seeding and supplementary planting 09:15
Resilience- self sustaining systems 09:50
Grassland sites 10:50
Wetland sites 11:15
Long term restoration learnings 11:32
Credits 12:10
End 12:33

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