Project Description

How do you ensure your restoration project will be resilient in times of changing climate and increased fragmentation across the landscape? Tein McDonald discusses with Linda Broadhurst the implications of population size, the parental gene pool and the significance of pollinators in ensuring genetic diversity and countering inbreeding depression. In this expanding field, the importance of rigorous experimental designs and protocols is highlighted to ensure that trials undertaken today have relevance in the future. A great overview of the changing understanding of ‘provenance’ and its implication for on-ground practitioners.

Topic Mins: seconds
Opening titles 00:10
Introduction to conversation: Fragmentation and Genetic Diversity 00:15
Background to restoration practice and genetic diversity and integrity 01:20
Population size and genetic diversity 03:50
Inbreeding 04:50
Implications for nursery production 05:30
Population size to promote diversity 05:55
Pollinator impacts on genetic diversity 06:35
Population of parents needed for diversity 08:30
Value of Seed Production Areas 09:50
Assisted natural regeneration & diversity 10:38
Stakeholders in expanding genetic diversity-effective neighbourhood size 11:40
Climate Change and genetic impacts 13:10
Reference ecosystems 14:15
Species adaptation to climate change 15:20
Conservation strategies 16:15
Predictive adaptation strategies 16:45
Experimentation 17:35
Provenancing strategies 17:55
Protocols and collaboration 18:50
Alternate strategies to promote diversity 20:10
Species substitution and redundancy 22:35
Ongoing adaptive management 24:00
Credits 25:00
End 25:22

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