Project Description

Ziggy Marzinelli shares the world of underwater kelp forest recovery. A 70km aquatic restoration project was designed to reinstate Sydney’s Phyllospora comosa – Crayweed forests, a valuable recreational fishing asset as well as a key component of the kelp forest underwater ecosystem. Ziggy’s project successfully reintroduced the missing ecosystem component. In doing so he reinstated a self sustaining recovery trajectory for the Crayweed, which was locally lost in the 1980’s due to poor water quality. This video details the experimental design and highlights the community engagement strategy that delivered positive underwater outcomes.

Topic Mins: seconds
Titles 00:00
Introduction to project, value 00:12
Location of kelp forests 00:55
Benefits of kelp including economic 01:20
Impacts/threats 02:25
Can we restore it? 03:00
Phyllospora ‘Cray-weed’ case study 03:30
Threats/stressors- recovery state 04:00
Should we restore it? 05:20
Habitat equivalents/requirements 05:45
Comparison of different ecosystems- Are they the same 06:20
Replanting –ecological experiment, reference sites and recruitment- Hypothesis 07:35
System recovery trajectory 08:30
Restoration treatments/controls/experimental design comparison to reference ecosystem 08:40
Target areas, reference sites- area, density 09:40
Survival data 10:10
Recruitment 10:23
Reproductive strategy 10:44
Recruitment data- restored v’s reference sites 11:13
Malabar Bay case study- recruitment data 11:44
 Little Bay Case study- experiment design 13:00
Ecosystem complexity- Aims, elements, reference ecosystems, restored sites, controls, goals 13:50
Epifauna- community structure 15:10
Restoration goals evaluation 16:02
Evaluate findings: Patch size, best recruitment, expansion, effects of herbivores, substratum complexity 16:15
Conclusions/summary 17:00
Restoration at scale is plausible 18:00
Agents of degradation and scale of recovery relationship 18:20
Community engagement: social media, crowdsourcing underwater xmas tree for xmas 18:40
Stakeholders- government authorities, management plans 19:15
Community engagement, volunteers 19:48
Credits 20:14
End 20:34

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