Project Description

Just add water…Three wetland restoration case studies are presented by Mark Bachmann which outline the historical basis for the degradation, the process of identifying viable project sites and the setting of goals to deliver significant wetland restoration. Mark references the Six Principles in the National Restoration Standards to highlight their relevance in designing, monitoring and evaluating restoration projects. An inspiring talk which showcases the resilience of aquatic systems and the positive results that can be attained by adding water to wetlands.

Topic Mins: seconds
Titles 00:00
Historical background 00:13
Introduction Nature Glenelg Trust 00:55
Linking science & practice 02:10
Key threats to wetland restoration 02:50
Hydrology impacts 03:50
Discovery Bay Wetlands-Principle 1 Reference ecosystems 04:21
Historical context of sites- Eight Mile Creek Swamp 04:57
Historical context of sites-Piccaninnie Ponds 05:40
Historical context of sites – Long Swamp history 06:22
Barriers to wetland restoration -land ownership 07:00
Consensus for initiating change on public land 08:25
Water management as a restoration method. Principle 2 of Standards 09:30
Principle 3-Case Study- Piccaninnie Ponds. Goals, objectives 10:20
Piccaninnie Ponds- results 11:55
Principle 4- Full recovery 12:15
Long Swamp Case Study  12:30
Restoration Community trials 13:00
Volunteer involvement 13:30
Principle 5- and adaptive management 14:00
Outcomes & Monitoring 14:35
Summary 15:15
Importance of goals and impacts of water regime 16:05
Swamp restoration responses and success 16:45
Principle 6- Social aspects are critical to successful ecological projects 18:15
Credits 19:16
End 19:32

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