Project Description

Tein McDonald provides a detailed explanation of the concept of ecological restoration as intended by the National Standards for Ecological Restoration. Tein outlines the restorative activities continuum and provides examples of where various restoration projects may reside along that spectrum. Ideologies such as ‘restorative thinking’ and ‘ecological civilization’ are considered within the context of the National Standards as a guiding document “to encourage all restoration and rehabilitation projects in Australia to reach their highest potential” (SERA).

Topic Mins: seconds
Opening titles 00:00
Introduction 00:13
Background to the development of the Standards 00:52
Ecological restoration is assisting the recovery of native ecosystems 1:28
Ecological changes challenge: climate change and restoring biodiversity 2:30
Addressing the causes of biodiversity loss 3:48
The Standards emphasise relationships 4:43
‘Restorative  thinking approach 5:15
A Restorative culture and options for society 5:43
The restorative activities continuum 7:35
Defining ecological restoration  11:05
Decision  tree for reference ecosystem 12:20
Example: Prior ecosystem as a reference: Victoria Park- Alstonville 13:53
Example : Conditions broadly suitable  provide partial recovery- Travelling Stock Routes 15:00
Example: Conditions needing amendment- partial recovery; Waterponding , Nyngan 16:00
Example: Conditions irreversible- alternative ecosystem, East Trinity Cairns 17:00
Example: Switching ecosystems , Phoenix Flats, Newcastle 17:55
Inclusiveness of ecological restoration 18:12
Restoration and complementary Initiatives 20:15
Global challenges 20:50
Ecological civilisation 21:45
End credits 23:25

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