Project Description

This video describes a landscape scale project, Gondwana link, which aims to connect a fragmented landscape in Western Australia from the wet forests to the deserts. The process of gathering information to build a picture of the landscape vegetation communities and the continuous improvement cycle which saw the on-ground restoration delivered in ‘broad brush strokes with fine details’ provides an examination of the importance of monitoring and how it translates into improved on ground outcomes.

Topic Mins: seconds
Introduction 00:20
Gondwana Link Vision and Strategy 02:09
Fitz-Stirling linkage 02:58
Reconstruction 04:18
Previous works 05:20
Ecological theory 07:18
Peniup Project 07:58
Project goals 08:30
Planning – site inventory 09:50
Soil and vegetation mapping 11:13
Intensive soil sampling 13:23
Nine broad soil landforms 13:53
Vegetation survey and seed availability 14:58
Nine soil / vegetation associations 15:57
Implementation (direct seeding equipment and agronomy) 17:22
Carbon funded project – added hand planting as insurance 21:03
Node of biodiversity 22:27
Monitoring 23:46
Results 24:14
Continuous improvements at subsequent sites (e.g. Monjebup North) 24:44
Credits 27:05

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