Project Description

Nola Hancock’s talk on local provenance and more distant seed sources tackled the big question. Does seed from the local site perform better? Nola’s conclusion is that mixing seed sources are best. In addition the disadvantages of local provenance were that due to the fragmentation of the landscape, population sizes are smaller which increases inbreeding depression resulting in reduced genetic fitness. The implications for plants trying to evolve in a climate changing world are also discussed.

Topic Mins: seconds   
Introduction- Is local provenance best? 0:17
Methods 0:55
Results 01:35
Summary 01:51
Conclusions- Is local the best? 02:00
Mixing seed sources 03:20
Fragmentation-inbreeding depression 03:30
Climate change impacts 03:55
Predicted environments 04:25
Acknowledgments 05:10
Credits 05:28

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