Project Description

Hank and Sue Bower describe a unique assisted regeneration project that is aiming for complete eradication of vertebrate and weed species due to the isolation of Lord Howe Island. The World Heritage status and legal framework provides for unhindered access to all terrain across the island, enabling all pest populations to be targeted thanks to a strong community engagement, effective communication and whole of island monitoring.

Topic Mins: seconds
Opening Title 00:00
Background and location 0:20
Settlement impacts 1:10
Extinctions 2:05
Flora assemblage 2:33
Pest animals 2:50
The Goal 3:20
The Community 4:00
Restoration priorities- planning and legal framework 4:15
Achievements 5:00
Pest animal eradication program 5:50
Monitoring and treatment – African Big-headed Ant, Rodent eradication 6:45
Community engagement 7:25
Pathogens- Phytophora 8:10
Revegetation 9:10
EEC 9:20
Reintroduction- ecologically equivalent species 9:30
Weed Eradication program- all tenure approach 10:20
Weed eradication targets 12:05
Monitoring and mapping methodology 13:50
Systematic grid search 14:10
Monitoring techniques 15:05
Weed treatment techniques 15:44
Exotic species- Cherry Guava, Asparagus aethiopicus 16:50
Monitoring Weed density and distribution mapping 17:55
Program results 20:00
Achievements 20:30
Outcomes and Investment to date 21:45
Volunteers and partners 22:35
Future Challenges- alignment 23:00
Strategy Update 24:15
Communication 24:25
Community engagement 24:35
Thanks to partners 25:15
Credits 25:25

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