Assisted regeneration

Assisted natural regeneration – an example with butterflies


AABR National Forum 2024 – The R’s of Restoration  Assisted natural regeneration - an example with butterflies - Brian Bainbridge Some recent examples of assisted natural regeneration in the Hepburn Shire in Central Victoria have demonstrated high regeneration potential of some local wetland sites. The results have been rapidly colonised by an uncommon wetland butterfly- [...]

Sorting out the R words: using the Standards to improve restoration project design.


AABR National Forum 2024 – The R's of Restoration Using the SER Standards to improve restoration project design - Lincoln Kern Lincoln is an ecologist with a keen interest in indigenous biodiversity conservation and environmental issues. He trained in botany and environmental science in the USA, before studying environmental management at Deakin University in Melbourne. After [...]

Heroes of the Big Scrub


Heroes of the Big Scrub is an inspiring story of landscape scale restoration. The video showcases the people who understood the processes of rainforest restoration ecology, and have dedicated their life's work to enabling substantial recovery of the Big Scrub against all odds. The video looks at the role of assisted natural regeneration and revegetation [...]

Big Scrub Restoration – Past Present Future – Q & A


The following questions were posed to Dr Tony Parkes at the AABR AGM held 19/2/22. 00:25 Why don’t we value the Big scrub and when do you think it will change? 02:45 Is this work being done elsewhere in the world…The Science Saving Rainforests? 04:45 In the genome project are the species limited to those [...]

Tony Parkes – Science Saving Rainforest Project – Big Scrub Landcare (AABR AGM Guest Speaker)


Big Scrub Landcare are now driving an innovative program to ensure that all plantings use genetically diverse planting stock to overcome potential inbreeding and build greater adaptability to climate change within the landscape. Dr Tony Parkes (AO) - retired organic chemist and merchant banker (turned rainforest restorer) - is the Founder and President of Big [...]

Big Scrub Restoration – past, present and future


Dr Tein McDonald provides the background to the upcoming AABR Video on Heroes of Big Scrub Recovery and sets the scene for Tony Parkes talk on the Big Scrub Landcare's (BSL) Science Saving Rainforest project. Big Scrub was a once a 75,000 ha swathe of subtropical rainforest on the volcanic soils of the north coast [...]

Renewal in the Desert


Renewal in the desert. The Barrier Field Naturalists’ Club And The Broken Hill Regeneration Reserves. Celebrating the restoration vision Of Albert Morris. Filmed in and around Broken Hill in 2017. Script: Virginia Bear and Tein McDonald. Thanks to everyone who assisted during filming in 2017 and editing in 2021. Particular thanks to the following people: [...]

Post-fire regeneration in NSW – Where are we 12 months on?


Hundreds of AABR members rose to the challenge of supporting post-fire regeneration only to have their intent somewhat stifled by a pandemic. In spite of this five NSW site coordinators managed to navigate the COVID constraints and deliver on-ground outcomes. This video shares the process and the achievements from 12 months of post-fire regeneration activities [...]

Supporting recovery of fire-affected bushland in Victoria


Federal, State and Regional agencies along with community groups and private landholders have all been striving to address the consequences of the bushfires of 2019-20. This Zoom webinar highlighted the insights, actions and opportunities that are occurring as the ecosystems transition with various levels of support.

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