Project Description

Our aim through this series of co-hosted presentations between AABR Victoria and Ecological Consultants australia- Victoria is to improve outcomes in biodiversity restoration management through better design and provision of guidelines and presentation of both successful aspects of past projects as well as those we can learn from in ways they could have been done differently.

We hope this talk to be the first in a series and even culminating in a live event with multiple speakers and workshops. It’s a broad church with rapidly expanding investment from the carbon capture sector and the mining industry has always been a significant player.

In this first lunchtime webinar Lincoln Kern will present a brief analysis of the issues around management planning for conservation sites, some of the problems that arise out of the current system, offer some solutions and make some recommendations for prompting more discussions and efforts to improve the effectiveness of the process in the broader planning and land management industry.

Lincoln Kern – is the Managing Director of Practical Ecology. He has been providing expertise in flora and fauna surveying, environmental planning, bushland and grassland restoration, bushfire risk analysis and planning law, environmental and noxious weed control, revegetation and general land management services with the business since 1993. Since starting work in the Victorian ecological restoration and environmental industry in 1990, Lincoln has developed his ecological consulting business as a small and impactful environmental consultancy in the planning and land management industry in Victoria.