Project Description

Damien Cook, ecologist and co-founder of the Wetland Revival Trust (WRT)  outlines the project planning process the WRT are using to implement their goals outlined in the Blueprint for Action which include

  • Ensuring restoration is based on sound science and practical knowledge:
  • Embedding the National Standards for the Practice of Ecological Restoration in their work processes
  • Basing restoration on appropriate local indigenous reference ecosystems;
  • Establishing a technical steering committee utilising state and local experts;
  • Improving knowledge of ecological restoration by trialling innovative restoration techniques and sharing/collaborating with the broader restoration community

The aims of the WRT are to

  • PROTECT – Advocate for the best possible management of high value wetlands and waterways at the landscape scale on both private and public lands
  • RESTORE-Restore degraded wetlands in the southern Murray darling Basin, prioritising those of high cultural and ecological significance.
  • SOUND SCIENCE- Using SERA (Society for Ecological Restoration Australia) guidelines and basing restoration on appropriate local indigenous reference ecosystems.
  • BUILD RELATIONSHIPS- Consult and develop partnerships, especially with local Indigenous groups

This lunchtime webinar was co-hosted by AABR Vic and ECA Vic

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