Project Description

The reconstruction of saltmarsh at Penrhyn Estuary, Botany Bay, Sydney for migratory shorebirds is an insightful case study that details the process of accommodating habitat shifts in an industrially impacted intertidal zone. Project planner Geoff Sainty effused about the 15 year long project, ‘if there’s any chance to get involved in working with saltmarsh get into it, because it’s loaded with variables, you’ll never get smart, but you’ll have a lot of time…it’s a brilliant area to work in’.

Topic Mins: seconds
Outline of talk and speakers presenting 00:16
Scope of project 01:06
Purpose and goals 02:05
Conservation context, international agreements 02:45
Changing coastline over time 03:46
Conservation goals 07:30
Timeframe of project 08:30
Geoff Sainty estuarine plants 09:30
Loss of saltmarsh and cautionary advice 10:35
Limitations set by focus on birds 11:05
Sporobolus varieties used 12:35-13:25
Approaches, methods of revegetation 13:35
Plants used 14:18-14:50
Soil medium 14:50
Irrigation 15:40
Layout of treatments 16:00
Plant species used
Building in adaptability 17:30
Natural regeneration and mixed approaches 17:56
Weed issues 19:30
Revegetation results to 2014 19:55
Ecological functions 20:35-21:45
Monitoring of ecosystem recovery 21:50
Recovery results 24:00
Partners and Acknowledgements 27:15

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