Project Description

The hidden world of Travelling Stock Routes (TSRs) comes to light as Ian Davidson explains their unique role across the Riverina landscape as a stronghold for biodiversity and threatened species. The absence of agricultural production techniques and fertilisers along with their location on flat fertile soils, linearly linked, has enabled the TSRs to remain prime examples of woodland systems, reference ecosystems, that support unique wildlife.

Topic Mins: seconds
Opening Title 00:00
Introduction and concept of scaling up 00:09
What are TSR’s 1:40
Why restore TSRs? Ecological integrity of TSRs. Reference ecosystems 2:52
Aim of the project 4:57
Methods: Benson, VAST, technical notes, revegetation guides 5:45
Project location and scale: Riverina- fertile soils 7:50
TEECs on monitored sites 8:57
Restoration priorities- planning and legal framework 4:15
Implementation 11:00
Monitoring techniques: vegetation, birds 11:55
Results: 13:15
Recovery Wheel- Coreen TSR 14:40
Focus areas and treatments 15:10
Learnings- local knowledge, experience, active land managing, fence removal 16:30
Key challenges- data collection, decision makers, climate, empowering land managers 22:28
Credits 25:30
End 25:50

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